VTJ2 Newsletter vol.2

“VIP-Tech-Job: Time 2 Act!” continues with great success!

The “VIP-Tech-Job: Time 2 Act!” project continues smoothly, with the partners having the chance to meet again in a non-digital setting, this time in Pisa, Italy, from 30 to 31 of March. Everyone had the chance to offer their overviews of the developments of the project, as well as have a direct dialogue and exchange on the upcoming activities, making it possible to clarify issues that online meetings could not clarify. The session was highly fruitful, making us look to the future with optimism and anticipation.

Progress of results

Starting with the first result of the project, the “VIP Job Accessibility Toolbox” – which includes tools and resources to support stakeholders who want to understand concepts such as accessibility and integration in the workplace – is progressing nicely and parts of it have already been tested with a group of stakeholders.

The “VIP Job Podcast” – a 10 episode podcast in all partners’ languages, exploring success stories of integrating new VIPs in various workplaces in Europe – has started the recordings in all partners languages. The guests are people with really interesting input and a lot of experiences to share and we are looking forward to sharing all of them in the coming months.

Finally the “VIP Job Video Pack” – which consists of a documentary aimed at presenting the barriers of young VIPs to their integration into the labour market, while at the same time gathering tools and personal experiences on the use of video recording tools for storytelling – has finalised its planning stage and is under development. The video guide is under development and it gathers experiences and tips from (young) VI content creators that have delved into the world of video/film-making to share their skills, their knowledge and their opinions. The documentary will be filmed during the training activity in Granada in July 2022 and the final version will include professional audio description, aiming at offering an experience as universal as possible.

The “VIP Tech Job Fair”

“Vip-Job-Fair” will be held from the 4th to the 10th of July in Granada, Spain. It is designed as a blended mobility for young people and it is modelled on traditional job fairs, adapted to the participants’ needs and specific requests. In total there will be 12 young VIPs selected by each partner organization, as well as staff members of the project and of course accompanying persons and assistants for the young VIPs.

The call for participants will be open by the 5th of June 2022 and can be found on our facebook page [link]. For more information, send us a message on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/viptechjob) or directly by email at office@viewsinternational.eu

Prior to the actual LTTA, the group of participants will go through an online preparation phase where they will understand the fundamentals of the project and its products.

The mobility aims to improve and maximize the learning impact of young VIPs, to bring closer the working teams who will be participating as accompanying persons and strengthen the relationship between young VIPs and team members for the development of the foreseen results.

EESC Public Hearning

“VIP-Tech-Job: Time 2 Act!” project and its results and services in the form of learning materials and interactive resources were also presented during the Public hearing of the European Economic and Social Committee on the “Employment of young people with disability”, a remote event organised via Interactio, online platform  on the 8th of April.

The project was presented to several stakeholders on the Panel II “The views of EU Social Partners and the civil society organisations” by Anca David from Views International.

The results of the hearing can be reviewed on the report “The EU must break down barriers to employment for young people with disabilities


As part of the efforts to promote the project’s findings and outcomes, the partners co-authored a paper titled “Recognising Possibilities Through the VIP-Tech-Job: Time 2 Act! Project Results: Visually Impaired People, Workplace Training and the Enrichment of the Current Labour Market” which will be presented at EDULEARN22, the International Education Conference taking place in Spain from the 4th to the 6th of July 2022. The presentation of the paper will take place virtually and it will also be included in the Conference Proceedings. For more information, visit the EDULEARN22 website (https://iated.org/edulearn/).

Upcoming informational activities

Once the learning materials and interactive resources of the project are developped, 3 local informational events (1 in each participating organisation’s country) will be organized to promote the finalised project results and to inform the target audience about the usability of the developed tools.

The final Transnational Meeting will be held in Liège, Belgium where the whole project’s management will be reviewed and the final results of the valorization process in previous months will be discussed. The possibilities for the sustainability of the results and outcomes after the finalization of “VIP-Tech-Job: Time 2 Act!” project and for the continuation of the cooperation among all the participating partners are issues that are scheduled to be explored.

We welcome you to join us on the continuation of this journey and learn with us along the way. Stay tuned for the latest news!

VIP-Tech-Job: Time 2 Act!” is a project developed within the framework of the Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ programme. The project is coordinated by the VIEWS International (Belgium) and it is based on the cooperation between AFORISMA (Italy), Docete Omnes (Spain) and DAFNI KEK (Greece). 

“VIP Tech Job: Time 2 Act!” project is addressed to visually impaired people (VIPs) and aims to support their inclusion and integration through employment, while also promoting active citizenship and lifelong learning.

 It is developing 3 distinct results in the form of learning materials and interactive resources based on the results of “VIP Tech Job project”, which is the parent project, taking into consideration accessibility issues which directly involve VIPs through focus groups, learning activities, international mobilities and events.

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